Air Conditioning Installation

Air Conditioning Installation

Technician Fixing Air Conditioner

AC Installations for Brownwood, TX

In our climate, you simply can’t go without an air conditioning system that you can count on.

Even though we may be more adjusted to the heat, the refreshing burst of cool air from an air conditioner is most welcome during those scorching summers. 

Whether you are purchasing your very first air conditioner or need to replace an old, ineffective unit, leave the job to Roberts and Petty Inc. Our air conditioning contractors are committed to helping you find a unit that not only meets your needs, but also suits your budget. Rest assured, we care about your best interests and are here to help! To schedule your AC installation with our team, please feel free to contact us today! We proudly serve the Brownwood, TX area.


You will have different AC installation needs from someone else based upon the type of property you have or the features that your home has. Below are different types of air conditioners and reasons why you might want that type.

  • Central AC Systems: This is one of the most common ways to cool a home due to the universal cooling aspect. Central AC systems include an external condenser unit that is located outside of your home and expels heat as well as an evaporator coil, which generally sits above your furnace and cools the air within your home.
  • Ductless Air Conditioner: Ductless Air Conditioners are a great option for homes that do not have the ductwork necessary for modern AC systems. Ductless systems are great for older homes. If you need a ductless AC installation, contact us today!
  • Window Air Conditioner: Another common air conditioning system is the window air conditioner. They are accessible and don't take much time or effort to install. Window air conditioners can fit into any open window frame in your home. For all AC installations in your home, contact Roberts and Petty Inc. today.


Just like with a heating system, there are telltale signs that, more often than not, indicate that it’s time to invest in a new air conditioner.

  • Fluid leaking from the unit
  • Moisture buildup
  • Odd noises
  • Lack of cool air
  • Unusually high energy bills

There are just a few common signs that you should look for. At the first sign of trouble, get in touch with Roberts and Petty Inc. If repairs won’t offer a cost-effective solution or simply will be ineffective in fixing the problem, our team can assist you on your search for a new unit.

When you enlist our AC installation technicians to replace your outdated unit, you will quickly start to notice numerous benefits. For example, your indoor comfort level should improve as the new system will offer more precise temperature control and more even distribution of cool air. Many new models even come with advanced features to make things as comfortable and convenient as possible. These features range from programmable thermostats to smart controls to noise reduction solutions and more. Another terrific benefit of new AC installation is how it makes your home more energy efficient. Older units typically require more energy to do their jobs, spiking your utility bills and having a negative impact on the environment. Upgrading to a modern system will provide better performance while helping you save money on utility bills and lowering your carbon footprint. Contact our AC installation experts today to learn more!

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